Chef Yamuel Bigio and owner of Crocante Restaurant expanded his businesses by sharing his passion for Latin food with people from all over the world.

Central Florida’s tourism isn't just about sun, fun, and sightseeing. It's a powerful economic engine that fuels local communities and empowers small businesses to thrive. Take Croncante, a beloved local Puerto Rican restaurant. “Tourism helped us our grow our business and even triple the size of our restaurant,” says Yamel Bigio, chef-owner of Crocante.

Discover: Tourism Benefits You

A Recipe For Success

Initially, Crocante was a small, local gem serving authentic Puerto Rican cuisine. Eventually, word of its delicious offerings spread beyond local audiences, reaching Orlando’s visitors.


The influx of visitors not only increased the restaurant's revenue but also expanded its customer base. This growth helped Yamuel to expand the restaurant, upgrade its facilities, and elevate the overall dining experience.

“Little by little we got some interviews in the newspaper about what we do. Word started spreading and not only local people, but tourists started driving to our small location. Eventually, we got so busy that we tripled the size of the restaurant.”

Crocante's journey highlights the potential of tourism to transform a small business. By sharing their passion for Puerto Rican cuisine, Yamuel and his team have achieved success and contributed to the rich tapestry of Orlando's culinary scene.

“The mission of Crocante is sharing our culture, sharing our food, sharing our passion for everything that we make in our kitchen,” explains Chef Yamuel.

Chef Yamuel recently had a unique opportunity to share this passion with Phil Rosenthal, from the hit Netflix show, Somebody Feed Phil. With a dedicated Orlando episode in Season 7 of the series, Crocante enjoyed even more exposure to draw visitors to the restaurant. As Yamuel envisions expanding his brand through catering and food trucks, it's evident that the positive impact of tourism continues to fuel his entrepreneurial spirit. See how else tourism benefits you.